What methods can be used to tackle diffuse pollution from agriculture?
The Defra User Manual “An inventory of methods to control diffuse water pollution from agriculture” sets out a range of ways that can be used to control diffuse pollution from agricultural sources. Three main pollutants are considered; phosphorus, nitrate and faecal indicator organisms. The manual covers 44 different methods relating to changes in:
- land use;
- soil management;
- livestock management;
- fertilizer management;
- manure management; and
- farm infrastructure.
Examples of some of the methods include changes to grazing and tillage regimes, manure storage and application and the construction of wetlands. For each method, a brief description is provided, with a rationale for its use, how it may achieve a reduction in pollution, the potential applicability of the method and estimates of the practicality, cost and effectiveness at the farm scale.
A copy of the manual is available here.