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Who are you?

I am a Post Doc Researcher in the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University.

What is your role in the project?

I am work package leader of ‘Data Management’. I am also working a lot on the ground in the Eden catchment getting DTC running (equipment etc). Approx half my time is spent working on DTC.

What is your background?

My current work is looking at farm integrated runoff management in the Proactive group ( This is primarily based in the Belford Burn catchment in Northumberland where I am working to develop a flood management plan by storing and attenuating runoff on farm land. This project also linked to water quality and ecological issues. I am also working on developing a simple Decision Support Matrix tool which will help understand runoff risk on agricultural land ( I also have interests in upland hydrology and meteorology, micro-renewable energy and urban drainage systems.

Where can I find more information about you?


How do I contact you?

Phone 0191 222 8599 or email [email protected]

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